Some books take half a lifetime to write. DAYS OF THE DEAD is one of those books. I can’t remember when the story started to grow in me. When I was six, and my mother left? When I was a teen sitting in the chill of a lava tube, breathing in darkness so deep it was almost alive? The day my heart broke so badly I thought I would die. I know the roots of this story reach back through that day. But the story took years of drafts and rewrites to form.
And when I first saw the art created by Merce Lopez for the cover I shouted, “LOOK AT THIS! IT IS THE BEST COVER EVER!!!” Merce had completely captured the magic and mystery at the heart of this story.
“In prose that sparkles with magical undertones, author Kersten Hamilton weaves a tender story about grief, faith, and the redemptive power of love.” —Publisher
“Hamilton is a wonderful, dynamic writer. Glorieta’s courage and faithful search for goodness will make your heart glow a little brighter.” —Francisco Stork, award-winning author of Marcelo in the Real World
“Timely in its treatment of immigration injustices, and timeless in the exploration of the enduring spiritual and cultural traditions of the author’s beloved home. An engaging story of strength, love, and redemption, complete with dazzling touches of laugh-out-loud humor.” —Laura Resau, award-winning author of The Lightning Queen